Friday, January 31, 2020

Analyse an Advert and Prequel to it in Depth Essay Example for Free

Analyse an Advert and Prequel to it in Depth Essay Advertising is one of the worlds foremost businesses. Companies use this media to communicate their ideas, products and messages to the general public. This is one type of advert, which is used to draw people to donate to a cause. It is called an appeal. This appeal is from Help The Aged, a fairly large charity, dedicated to helping the older and less able people. This particular advert is for the SeniorLink pendant, a small telephone pendant that helps people when they get into trouble where they cant reach the phone, because they are immobilised. I will analyse this form of the appeal and elaborate the techniques and tricks used to convince people to part with their money. This form of the appeal is a leaflet. Leaflets can be specially designed to appeal to a particular audience or aspect of society; this leaflet is aimed at anyone who has money. The purpose of it is to convince these people that their product is: reliable; fast acting; state-of-the-art; easy-to-use and most of all, lifesaving. If it succeeds than Help The Aged will get their reward of a donation that, in theory, should then be spent on the pensioners. The advert uses several conventions to convey their tricks and tactics to the target audience. I will elaborate these as I examine the advert. On the first part of the leaflet (The Front) we see Vera alive and well, along with a caption to the picture that, arguably, could be seen as the title to the leaflet. The photograph of Vera depicts her as smiling, cheerful and in good health. From this, empathy is drawn from the audience, giving the advert a good note from which to begin with. It can also be seen as a pointer to what the outcome of the event is, in a similar way to the introduction to Romeo and Juliet. The caption or title of the leaflet is in large, white, bold, capitalised text, which is mapped on a black background. This is to make the text stand out considerably, as there is no bigger contrast than black and white. At the end of the text is an ellipsis. This adds to the beckoning feel of the text that makes the audience want to read on. The second part of the advert or Middle of the leaflet is a transcript of the conversation between Lyn, a SeniorLink operator, and Vera Smith, an old woman in distress. The sheet is in four parts: A quotation, used as a title An introduction to the transcript The telephone conversation, recorded as a transcript And an epilogue to the piece. The quotation to the page is in a similar style to the original caption, in the first part. It shares the same bold, white on black style, however it is not all in capitals. This is because it is a quotation from Vera, presumably from after her ordeal. This is to show again that she recovered and that she owes her life to the SeniorLink pendant. Next is an introduction to the transcript. It starts with an introductory sentence that uses simple adjectives and sentence structure to describe the characters. Next comes the setting of the scene, where Veras predicament takes shape. One sentence is underlined, this sentence: To her horror is highlighted to make it stand out more, as it is shocking and important. The intro ends with another ellipsis, opening the way for the transcript. Just before the transcript is a picture of both Lyn and Vera, depicted as happy, this is showing: how good the receiving staff is and how pleased Vera is to be alive. The transcript itself is 16 lines long, combining playscript style speech and bold typed event explanations. The playscript reads like normal speech, Vera pauses and the text is punctuated appropriately, Please Help me! The language is different for Vera and Lyn, Vera sounds helpless and afraid, while Lyn sounds calm and efficient. At three intervals the scripting cuts into a short explanatory line, distinguished by its bold enhancement. These explain what is happening, like directors notes. We are expected to give the appeal some trust and believe that the conversation really happened. Finally there is an epilogue where, using reassuring text, they bring this ordeal to an end. They finish this section by emphasising that the SeniorLink saves lives. The final part of the advert, the back, is the possibly the most important. It is the advert in full, the appeal or the explanation section. It is nine paragraphs that encompass all of the emotion, drawn from before and add to it, then channel it into giving a donation. The title of the piece is large, bold and eye-catching. It is presumably a joke to suggest that she could, hear voices as some old people develop insanity. Otherwise the comment that she is alive because she could hear voices is a stupid one and not thought out. The first paragraph is an assurance that Vera made a full recovery, thanks to the SeniorLink system. This is to put worried minds at rest. Then in clear bold text it says: But many other elderly people arent so lucky, This shows that next the appeal will give information, possibly facts on old people that didnt make it through their ordeals. Paragraph 2 is apparently a factual one, where they give you shocking statistics on how many people dont survive each week. This is supposed to appeal to your human nature and lull you into wanting to help decrease this statistic. Next comes another single line of text that prepares you for upcoming information. It is underlined and utilises an emphasising adverb, which is describing an adjective, tragic. This is used to change it from being tragic to really tragic, emphasis. The next two paragraphs are two cases, which are utilised to shock you further, and again to appeal to your Human side. The fifth paragraph is in bold text and is designed to be reliving after the heavy emotion carrying paragraphs. It is positive and righteous. It opens with a statement of good, Yet tragedy can be avoided This is showing the gold horizon, while saying that our cause is the most important cause. Then in the second sentence it uses the mysterious inference again: Hearing Voices In the sixth paragraph the appeal itself surfaces and they make their quick request for money, while surrounding it with ideas of stopping unnecessary deaths and the strange voice inference again. The donation request itself is only five words long, out of the whole advert. It is short and enveloped to try to mask their intentions, while making it stand out in your mind. Also in this paragraph two words are underlined to add emphasis on their aims. The next paragraph is a short direct paragraph and adds a little more emphasis on the pendant itself. Paragraph eight is the technical element, it explains exactly what the pendant is, wrapped in technical terms to show that this is cutting edge technology and is really effective. The text ends with a warm climax ands shows one last time that the pendant is an amazing thing. The logo of Help The Aged is a rising sun, symbolising that there is dawning hope and always a light for old people. In conclusion, the advert uses most of the persuasive techniques in the handbook, from simple adjectives and bold text to psychological hints and shocking facts. However I would say that the advert has been worked at: psychologically wise, everything is in the right place, and the things that should stand out do stand out. At every step of the way they have used persuasive writing, showing that: Vera survived because of the pendant, The pendant is efficient and will always work, Pensioners without a pendant die frequently, Preventing the deaths is easy: donate money. On a personal level I wasnt convinced, I saw the IT tricks and psychological hints as insults, and saw right through them. Perhaps Im wrong, and I just am not human enough to see that they really are doing good in the world. But, most people would or should give money as it is fairly well thought through and has pretty shocking facts, if theyre true. I have learned that advertising is a crooked business and has many ways of persuasion. It does take a lot of thought.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Why the South Could Not Win the Civil War :: American America History

Why the South Could Not Win the Civil War Ever since the day the South surrendered to the North in May of 1865, Americans have argued on why the South lost. Others argued that the South never had chance to win the war, yet more than half a million people were killed, homes were lost and destroyed and families were torn apart. There are many theories to explain this, many arguing that the South never had a chance to win the Civil War to begin with, for the North out numbered and had better resources than the South at almost every point, militarily. Industrially the South couldn't keep up in output of weapons, ammunition and other supplies. That is one of the main reasons the South looked overseas for help. Jefferson Davis knew that the South was at a disadvantage so he looked to England and France. By the end of the war, the South had, more or less, plenty of weaponry still, but it just didn't have enough men to use the guns. By getting either England or France on the Confederate side, supplies would have been more plentiful and also it would have inevitably ended up doing great damage economically to England's maritime trade. However, the fact remained that foreign recognition was denied to the Confederacy in all its attempts. Another reason the South well fell short of a victory was the obvious difference in population between the South and the North. The North at the time had twenty-two million men while the South had a meager nine-and-a-half million, of whom three-and-a-half million were slaves. While the slaves could be used to support the war effort through work on the plantations, in industries and as teamsters and pioneers with the army, they were not used as a combat arm in the war to any extent. This cuts the South's manpower by a third, leaving a fifteen-and-a-half million difference in the population of the two areas. Give the South fifteen-and-a-half million more possible soldiers, and the outcome would have been different. The right military strategy is the key to a war. In order for the South to win the war, they would have needed to apply what is now called a blitzkrieg strategy. This would have been a quick decisive attack on the North to follow up its early victories of Manassas in the East and at Wilson's Creek and Lexington in the West.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Environmental Problems in Prenatal Development Essay

Abstract For my research topic, I chose environmental problems in prenatal development. I chose this topic because I have a great interest in prenatal development and the care the mother provides that will negatively affect the fetus while it is still developing. Learning about the problems that occur will be an enormous advantage with my future career in nursing. Throughout my research, I hope to discover what the symptoms, of environmental influences, a fetus can contract during development. During prenatal development there are so many problems that you cannot even count them. There are two types of problems in development, genetic and environmental. The environmental problems are caused by the care the mother provides for her unborn child. Whatever the mother puts her body through, she puts her child through. Teratogens are drugs or other substances that are capable of restricting the development of a fetus, causing birth defects. Although the embryo is sensitive during all stages, there are more critical time periods when the fetus is more susceptible to the defects. During these critical periods, there are three major environmental problems that affect the fetus, which can cause birth defects, by the mother’s use of drugs, diseases, and mental and physical health. There are three major teratogens that affect the fetus in development; one is by the mother’s use of drugs. There are many mothers throughout the world use and abuse prescription, legal and il legal drugs. The use of prescription drugs can be just as dangerous as illegal drugs. Some mothers need to take prescribed drugs for their own health problems. Women who have seizures must take anticonvulsants to stop the seizures from occurring. The seizures the pregnant mother has can cause just as much damage than the drugs they are taking (Boyd and Bee, 2009, p. 72). Pregnant women taking Trimethadione for their seizures can cause the fetus to obtain many progressive defects such as eyebrows shaped like a V, cleft lip, cleft palate, and having delays in their development (Slater and Lewis, 2006, p. 9). Another drug pregnant mothers might be prescribed for would be blood thinners, because of possible blood clots, to prevent heart attacks or strokes (DirectGov, 2010). An expecting mother who has been taking Warfarin to slow down blood clots should assume that her child can be born with mental retardation and an unusually small head, known as microcephaly (Slater and Lewis, 2006, p. 9). Certain infants with microcephaly develop normally and have the intellect as an ordinary child. Typically, infants with microcephaly possibly can have facial distortions, mental retardation, deferred motor skills, hyperactivity, dwarfism, seizures, difficulty with balancing and coordination, and other neurological irregularities (DirectGov, 2010). Every mother experiences fatigue and nausea. Decades ago, doctors would prescribe Thalidomide, a sedative, to treat the fatigue and nausea. After these mothers gave birth, doctors have detected that the Thalidomide has many defects on the fetus. Infants were born with only half developed or absent arms or legs (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2010 p. 1). Antibiotics are normally safe to take when consulted with a doctor. Pregnant women take antibiotics for certain types of infections. One often prescribed antibiotic to pregnant women is Tetracycline which can cause damage to the infant such as yellowing or graying of the teeth. It also can be passed through breast milk and if the child infant drinks the milk, there will be a chance they might affect the growth of bones and teeth (Cerner Multum, 2009). Despite the abuse of prescription drugs, there is also the use of legal drugs. There are many women who are pregnant and smoking. The use of nicotine during pregnancy will cause a few deficiencies in the infant’s development. Nicotine users may have the chance to have an ectopic pregnancy, where the baby connects to the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus. This could result in a miscarriage. Mothers who smoke, throughout the entire pregnancy, can give birth to a stillborn or child with low birth weight (Bucher, 2010). The long term effects on children, whose mothers smoked during pregnancy, could develop attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Boyd & Bee, 2009, p. 74). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that causes absent- mindedness and spontaneity (ADAM, 2011). Another illegal drug that is very highly abused in pregnancy is alcohol. Mothers who are heavy drinkers or alcoholics are highly likely to give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Fetal alcohol syndrome is a problem with mental and physical growth that occurs when the mother abuses alcohol during pregnancy. Infants with fetal alcohol syndrome have many symptoms. They include stunted growth before and after birth, reduced muscle usage and dexterity, deferred mental and physical development, possible mental retardation and heart weaknesses including ventricular septal defect and atrial septal defect (Adam, 2011). These children will also have very distinctive facials features that stand out. Infants will typically have smaller heads, a flattened nose with a big space between the nose and mouth, narrow eyes and small upper jaw Depending on the period in pregnancy, alcohol might cause a miscarriage and premature birth (Boyd & Bee, 2009, p.74). Along with prescription and legal drugs, illegal drugs are especially dangerous during the course of pregnancy. So many people become addicted to drugs and have a hard time getting clean. Expecting mothers who are hooked on any type of illegal drug can be incredibly damaging to the infant. Marijuana is the most common manipulated illegal drug. Infants born to mothers that are marijuana users have more trouble concentrating, problems sleeping, and a short term memory (Boyd & Bee, 2009, p. 73). Additional drugs that are mistreated are heroin and methadone. Mothers addicted to these two drugs will have babies addicted to them as well and are at possible risk of miscarriage, premature birth and preterm death (Boyd & Bee, 2009, p. 73). The symptoms of the heroin addicted infants are underprivileged growth, premature birth and stillbirth (March of Dimes Foundation, 2011). After birth, these addicted babies go into withdrawal and suffer from bad temper, intense shuddering, vomiting, seizures and sleep complications (Boyd & Bee, 2009, p.73). Babies who are addicted to methadone have almost similar symptoms to those addicted to heroin. The difference is that methadone addicted infants have a higher birth weight compared to infants addicted to heroin. Methadone babies are comforted more easily then heroin babies (March of Dime Foundation, 2011). A drug also abused by expectant mothers is cocaine. Cocaine can be in two formations, both powder form or crack; they equally have the same effects on babies. Many problems of cocaine use during pregnancy are exceedingly threatening. These problems include placenta problems, such as, placental abruption which is when the placenta pulls away from the uterus prior labor starts. When this happens, there could be an exceeding amount of bleeding; the baby may be deprived of oxygen and a proper blood flow. The symptoms after birth can be harsh for the infants, for instance, they experience jumpiness, irritability, and are very easily frightened. These infants cry often because they have trouble finding comfort with their mothers or caregivers. Luckily for these babies, they usually do not experience these symptoms through their entire life, normally just first month of life (March of Dimes, 2011). Besides the issues that are caused by pregnant mothers drug use, there are many complications with the mother’s diseases. There are three different types of infections that could be passed down from mother to child, congenital infections, perinatal infections, and postnatal infections. Congenital infections are passed through the placenta and infect embryo. These infections include toxoplasmosis, syphilis, hepatitis B, Coxsackie virus, Epstein virus, chickenpox virus, human parvovirus, Rubella, Herpes virus, and Cytomegalovirus (Koo, 2009). Rubella is also known as the German measles and expecting mothers can pass this down to her infant in utero. Symptoms the fetus may develop are cataracts, hearing loss, and heart defects. CMV, also known as Cytomegalovirus, is a sexually transmitted disease and is a type of herpes virus. Having this disease while pregnant can be severe to the fetus’ life and cause eye, ear and brain defects in the early stages of prenatal development (Boyd & Bee, 2009, p. 74). Infants who developed CMV after birth are less likely to have harsh symptoms then those developed in utero. Those symptoms are vision and hearing loss and possible cognitive learning disabilities (Koo, 2009). Herpes is another congenital infection that can be extremely harmful in the development of the fetus. Mothers infected with herpes can pass down to her child many unpleasant symptoms. The significant symptoms include eye diseases, callous brain damage and skin lacerations (Koo, 2009). Substantial symptoms of herpes include seizures, neurological complications, microcephaly and microophthalmia. Microophthalmia is an eye abnormality that occurs before birth. This condition makes both eyes smaller than an average child and in some individuals their eyes may be nonexistent connected with blindness (Slater & Lewis, 2006, p. 9). The perinatal infections, also known as the infection that happens in labor and delivery, take place in the birth canal while the baby is in the process of being born. Many of these infections are sexually transmitted diseases such as CMV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, HPV (genital warts), and group B streptococci. Mothers with gonorrhea giving birth to their child will distribute the infection to her child. The main symptom the infant could experience is difficulties with the eyes and possibly goes blind. The mother can encounter complications including miscarriage, early labor and likelihood of obtaining HIV (Baby Center Advisory Board, 2007, p. 1). Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the world. Mothers with this disease are capable of passing the disease to her child through delivery. When delivering the child vaginally, the infant could contract serious eye infections. Infants exposed to chlamydia also have the possibility of acquiring pneumonia. Fortunately, if treated properly children will usually do well and have a suitable recovery. If mothers receive treatment before delivery there would be a greater chance of the infant not obtaining the infection altogether (Baby Center Advisory Board, 2012). Expecting mothers with HPV do not really transfer the infection to their infants but if it is transferred, the baby’s system will normally disperse it from their bodies. However, women with genital warts may transfer this virus to their child and can be extremely life- threatening. These infants infected with genital warts form warts in their throat causing respiratory papillomatosis. The children with respiratory papillomatosis must receive laser treatment to stop the warts from multiplying and obstructing the child’s airway. Doctors say that the women with HPV can deliver their children safely with little or no complications (WebMD, 2012, p. 1-2). Along with congenital and perinatal infections, postnatal infections are also particularly hazardous. Postnatal infections are caused after birth and are usually spread through breastfeeding. These infections include CMV, HIV, and group B streptococci. HIV can also be transmitted congenital and perinatal but HIV can be transferred postnatal via breastfeeding (Stewart, 2012). Babies who obtain this virus normally become sick within the first two years of their life. This illness will decline the infant’s immune system which makes them easily susceptible to getting other virus than the average baby (Boyd & Bee, 2009, p. 74-75). Another illness that infants attain after birth is group B streptococci (GBS). Group B strep is bacteria found in a woman’s vagina. GBS is transferred to infants after birth with symptoms of issues with the respiratory system, and erratic cardio problems. These babies may also have severe digestive tract problems. Along with these issues, the most familiar complications involve sepsis, an increasing amount of bacteria in the bloodstream, pneumonia, and meningitis, a bacterial infection of membranes concealing the brain and spinal cord. Group B streptococci usually will occur earlier than later after the delivery and have fewer problems if it appears later (American Pregnancy Association, 2011). There are many problems affecting the fetus that arise from the mother’s mental and physical health throughout her pregnancy. The age of the mother can make an immense difference in child birth. Mothers over the age of thirty five can have many complications to her health and child’s health. Women who push back pregnancy to later in life have the risks of developing gestational diabetes, infertility, possible miscarriage, early labor and extensive bleeding during labor. High blood pressure and chronic illnesses are also potential threats in older mothers (Baby Center Medical Advisory Board, 2012). These infants have a chance of developing chromosomal defects, cardiac abnormalities and growth retardation (Boyd & Bee, 2009). On the other hand, teenage pregnancy has just as many risks as women over thirty five. Teenage girls who are pregnant sometimes do not receive proper prenatal care, which can lead to issues in the fetus’ development. Pregnant teens can also experience high blood pressure which could result in preterm labor. Preterm labor may cause infants to have cognitive, respiratory and other physical complications. Teens that go into preterm have a chance of low birth weight infants that might not be fully developed. Teenagers are highly likely to obtain STD’s and pass them to their infants during delivery which can be vital in their growth and development. Young mothers are potential victims for postpartum depression, making them feel alone, isolated and feeling like no one is there for them (Nihira, 2010, p.1-2). Along with age, other maternal influences affect the fetus such as emotions and ill mothers who go through radiation for medical purposes. Pregnancy can mess with women’s emotions tremendously. Mothers who are really stressed or have anxiety might have troubles eating properly and may be prone to viruses which can cause the infant to be born with low birth weight. Children born to really distraught mothers will usually develop slower than the average child (Boyd & Bee, 2009, p. 77). Pregnant women with an inconsistent metabolism could have heavier infants and are more likely to have problems early in development (Slater & Lewis, 2006, p. 9). Women with certain medical problems may need to go for radiation although they are pregnant. Radiation while pregnant can affect the fetus by killing the cells in its body, injuring the chromosomes, and retarding the mental and physical growth (Brent, 2011). Despite all of these developmental problems each infant goes through, the illness and defects can be somewhat prevented if treated early in the pregnancy. Each woman should think twice about what they put through their bodies when expecting a baby. Environmental problems are life threatening and women need to consult with their doctors immediately to lessen the risk of their child developing any symptoms. There are critical periods when the fetus is the most vulnerable to these environmental influences. Even though there are critical periods, the mother’s use of drugs, diseases, and mental and physical health are very serious through the entire pregnancy. Bibliography Adam Medical Encyclopedia. 2011. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Retrieved from: Adam Medical Encyclopedia. 2011. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Retrieved from: American Pregnancy Association. 2011. Group B Strep Infection: GBS. Retrieved from: Baby Center Advisory Board. 2010. Chlamydia during Pregnancy. Retrieved from Baby Center Advisory Board. 2007. Gonorrhea during Pregnancy. Retrieved from: Bee, H & Boyd, D. 2009. Fifth Edition Lifespan Development. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. Brent, Robert MD. 2011. Pregnancy and Radiation Exposure. Retrieved from: Bucher, Jordan. 2010. The Effects of Drug Use During Pregnancy & Developmental Stages. Retrieved from: Cerner Multum. 2009. Tetracycline. Retrieved from: Direct Gov. 2010. Anticoagulants, Warfarin. Retrieved from: Government. 2012. Microcephaly. Retrieved from: Koo, Ingrid, Ph.D. 2009. Infectious Diseases During Pregnancy-Risks to Babies. Retrieved from: March of Dimes Foundation. 2011. Illicit Drug use during Pregnancy. Retrieved from: Mayo Clinic Staff. 2010. Thalidomide: Research advances in cancer and other conditions. Retrieved from: Net Industries. 2012. Prenatal Development- Prenatal Environmental Influences. Retrieved from: Prenatal Development – Prenatal Environmental Influences Nihira, Mikio A. 2010. Teen Pregnancy: Medical Risks and Realities. Retrieved from: Pierce, Martha. 2010. Pregnancy Risks After 35. Retrieved form: Slater, A. and Lewis, M. 2006. Prenatal Development. Retrieved from: Stewart, Grace John. 2012. Prevention of HIV transmission through breastfeeding in resource-limited settings. Retrieved from: WebMD. 2012. HPV and Pregnancy. Retrieved from:

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

40 Common English Idioms

Learning English isn’t as easy as some might think. First, grammar muddies the waters (makes things unclear), and idiomatic expressions only add fuel to the fire (make things worse). If you’re taking the TOEFL or the TOEIC, or just want to know more common idioms,  study this list of 40 common idiomatic expressions before you take the test. They may just help your English language acquisition soar (get much better). Common English Idioms 24/7: Twenty-four hours a day; seven days a week; all the time; constantly. My little sister irritates me 24/7!A short fuse: A quick temper. Jamie is known for his short fuse; just a few days ago he screamed at his coach for not letting him play.A taste of your own medicine: Bad treatment deservedly received for treating other people badly.  After constantly being prank-called, Julian decided to give Juan a taste of his own medicine and ordered twenty-seven pizzas to be delivered to Juan’s house.Butterflies in my stomach: To be nervous.  Liam had butterflies in his stomach before he went on stage to play the violin.By the skin of your teeth:  To just barely get by or make it.  Lester made the dance team by the skin of his teeth; you can tell he hasnt been dancing jazz for very long.  Cat got your tongue?: Can’t you speak? (Usually said to embarrass the other person).  I just saw you kissing my boyfriend. What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?Crying w olf:  To ask for help when you dont need it.  You have cried wolf so many times that no one believes you when youre really hurt.  Cut someone some slack:  To not judge someone too harshly.  Hey. Cut me some slack. I was really busy with my frog hunting business last week and forgot to call. Im sorry!Down for the count: Tired; giving up; unable or unwilling to participate any longer.  No, you can’t take my dog for a walk—she’s down for the count after chasing cats all day.Draw the line: To stop; to know the point where something goes from okay to not okay.  Now I draw the line at speaking in front of 34,000 people.Easier said than done: Not as easy as it appears to be.  You want me to come to work at 6:00 AM? Easier said than done!Every cloud has a silver lining: You can find good in every bad situation.  Even though you just got fired, remember that every cloud has a silver lining—at least you don’t have to work for that grouchy b oss anymore!Finding a needle in a haystack: Virtually impossible to find.  Trying to get a new job these days is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.Fish out of water: To be out of place.  Tom felt like a fish out of water at the Star Trek convention his new girlfriend begged him to attend.Get something off your chest: To talk about something that has been bothering you for a long time; to admit something you have done wrong.  I have to get this off my chest—I copied your answers on the SAT. Thanks for the 15th percentile score, by the way.  Give it a whirl: To try something.  I’ve never gone kite-boarding, but I’m prepared to give it a whirl!Go down in flames:  To fail suddenly and spectacularly.  The football players career went down in flames after the media learned hed been losing on purpose to settle gambling debts.  Go the extra mile:  To make an extra effort.  My dentist always goes the extra mile, offering free back massages at the end of a stressful tooth extraction.  Hang in there:  Be patient. Wait it out.  I know youre struggling right now in school but just hang in there. Itll get easier. I promise.  In the fast lane: A life filled with excitement.  When Curtis turned forty, he decided he needed to live life in the fast lane, so he quit his job as a dentist and decided to tour Europe by motorcycle.In the nick of time: Almost too late.  You gave me that main idea help in the nick of time—my teacher just gave us a quiz on that reading skill and I passed it!Let the cat out of the bag: Tell a secret.  Brady’s surprise party is going to be great if you don’t let the cat out of the bag.Let the chips fall where they may:  To let something happen, no matter if its good or bad.  Look. Im going to just try out for the cheerleading squad and let the chips fall where they may.  Lose your marbles: To go crazy; insane.  Mom  has really lost her marbles; shes making me p ractice writing the ACT Essay seven times this week!Once in a blue moon: Rarely.  In Florida, the temperature drops below freezing only once in a blue moon.Plain as day: Obvious; clear.  It’s plain as day that you’re in love with her, so just admit it.Play second fiddle: To be less important.  I hate playing second fiddle to my sister; she always does things better than I do!Put your foot in your mouth: Saying something you shouldn’t have.  Jessica really put her foot in her mouth when she asked about John’s job right after he lost it.Pull yourself together:  Calm down and behave normally.  Pull yourself together, man! Sure, your girlfriend just dumped you and then you got hit by a car, but you cant let those things get you down.  Sick and tired: To be bothered or annoyed by.  She is sick and tired of her dog chewing up her shoes every day.Sleep on it: To think about something for a while before making a decision.  Don’t tell me w hether you’ll move to Texas with me or not today. Sleep on it, and get back to me tomorrow.Snug as a bug in a rug: Warm and cozy; content.  That baby looks as snug as a bug in a rug cuddled up next to his mother.Step up your game:  To start performing better.  Listen, Jen. Youd better step up your game if you want to get all As in Miss Finchs Physics class. She isnt easy!Stick your nose into something: To interfere.  Sharon always sticks her nose into everyone else’s business.Straight from the horse’s mouth: Directly from the person involved.  Listen to the news straight from the horse’s mouth; we’re all getting bonuses this week!Take it easy: Relax.  I know you’re not feeling well, so try to take it easy today.Tip of the iceberg: The small easily visible part of a larger problem.  The fact that Carrie is dating a member of the mafia is just the tip of the iceberg; she’s also smuggling contraband into the country.To not see the wood for the trees: To be so involved with the details that you don’t get the most important facts.  She always argues about the silliest things; it’s like she can’t see the wood for the trees.Up a creek without a paddle: In an unlucky/bad situation.  If you don’t have any money to pay for the repairs we just made to your car, I guess you’re up a creek without a paddle because you can’t have your car back.You rock!: You are great.  Dude. You rock. Thanks for offering to watch my pet iguana all week.   These are just a few of the thousands of idioms in the English language. Get your feet wet (start) with these, and then move on to the idioms that will knock your socks off (astound you).